Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Uses and Abuses of MONEY

If you are a family person then wealth creation for your family should be your first and foremost goal. How a man uses money, makes it, saves it and spends it is perhaps one of the best tests of practical wisdom. Money carries a strange kind of power in it. You will feel confidence in yourself if you have plenty of money. But like any other power, money also corrupts people.
Once my mother told me a story of a poor and honest peasant. To test his honesty God send an angel to him. Angel stole his bread to see his reaction. When peasant completed his work he opened his box for food and found that his bread was stolen. He started smiling and closed his box gently. He drank some water and went back to work. Angel was surprised because such kind of compassion was not expected from a poor man. Angel told the whole incidence to God and asked the reason for his serenity. God said, " He has nothing to loose therefore he is relaxed, let me give him something and then check his moral ". One day the peasant was digging the ground, as he dug deeper he found a box full of gold coins. He was happy to receive such blessing of God. After 2 years, God again send an angel to him. The peasant was now a wealthy landowner. He was washing his hands before dinner. Plenty of things were present on the table like fruits, meat, butter, wine etc. Angel stole a piece of chicken from his plate. When the peasant came back he saw that a chicken piece was missing. He called his servants and scolded them. He even abused them and questioned their manliness. In his anger, he threw all the remaining food on the ground and dismissed all his servants. The attitude of the peasant had changed completely.
The moral of the story was that - God is ready to give everything but are we ready to receive those comforts?

Money is important and no doubt on that matter but it should not kill our moral instincts. Any class of men that live from hand to mouth will always be inferior class. They will necessarily remain impotent and helpless, hanging on to the skirts of the society. Having no respect for themselves, they will fail in securing the respect of others. We must carry money in head not in heart. Money-making does not require any supernatural abilities. It only requires ordinary energy, clear thought and application, avoidance of waste and persistence in work.
                                            Money does not only represents some notes and coins but it also represents two things of great value- Self-respect and Independence.
Money is directly related to our independence because if we would have to struggle for our every want then we will never be able to rise from slavery. We will always be on the bondage of others. Instead of focusing on petty savings we should focus on the methods of increasing our wealth. We should never depend on single source of income, if we have many talents then we should use them all. Empty bag can never stand by its own similarly a man in debt can never rise. Better go supper-less than rise in debt. We need money to be truthful else we will get indulge into small frauds and thefts.
It is not money but love for money which is the root of evil.
Poverty is a great enemy of any human happiness. Be Rich, Be Happy.

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