Saturday, 1 December 2012

Gautam Buddha- What astrology says about his character?

Astrology is among my favorite subjects. The photo inserted here is of old sculpture of Gautama Buddha. If we see this sculpture from the point of view of astrology we can know many amazing things about Buddha e.g.
(a) Big Ears- they represent that the person would have
good listening skills.  
(b) Closed Eyes- this shows habit of self-analysis or                                  self-improvement and patience

(c) Big Forehead- this shows that the person would have good intellect.

(d) Petal like Lips- this shows that the person would have sweet
and pleasing tone.

(e) Long Cylinder Shaped Nose- this shows that the
person would have an artistic sense.

(f) Soft Skin- this shows that he had good digestion and good sense of humor.

These qualities can make anyone King of Kings.