A to Z of Office Stress

- A for Anxiety, which
we get after seeing the pending paper-work.
- B for Budget, which we always get less than the expectations.
- C for Chai/Coffee, whose excessive consumption adds more toxins in our body.
- D for Delay in decision making, which kills the enthusiasm of work.
- E for Exercise, which we avoid doing.
- F for Fried Food, which makes us over-weight.
- G for Group tasks, which overshadow the individual efforts.
- H for Helplessness, which we feel because we fail to ask for help.
- I for Ignorance, which we never try to remove through constant learning.
- J for Justice, which is either delayed or ignored.
- K for kill time, which we do in gossips and long meetings.
- L for Listening, which we do less because speaking gives us more pleasure.
- M for Motivation, which we rarely get from outside.
- N for Nutrition, which we care least due to our glutton tendency.
- O for Ownership, which we try to pass on someone else.
- P for Politics, which is a part of our profession and brings no conclusion to
the problem.
- Q for Questions, which anyone can ask under Right To Information without having any clue on
the subject.
- R for Rotomac Pen, which always gets lost at the time of signing important
- S for Sympathy, which no one shows when we desperately need a holiday.
- T for Timeline, which we always cross due to unknown factors.
- U for Unpaid bills, which haunt us in different ways.
- V for Vision, which is generally blurred due to short-sightedness.
- W for Water Closet, which remains untidy because sweeper is always on strike.
- X for Xerox Machine, which would always have shortage of pages esp. when we
need it.
- Y for Your Spouse, who always believes that you have no time for him or her.
- Z for ZZzz, which means we don’t take enough sleep and invite health related
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