Friday, 23 June 2017

How to be a Spiritual Badass?

Spiritual Myth 1- Be Tolerant
Photo Source: Unknown
Spiritual Truth:- Remember my golden rule- “You would get what you would tolerate.” Never tolerate wrong things else you would get wrong things from all the directions. To lead a good life tolerate only good things. Never be blindfolded for the non-sense that is happening around you. Actively participate in making your life and the life around you beautiful. Sometimes good people unintentionally do bad things, you can tolerate them, but if you feel that someone has hurt you then do reply to that person. No need to give immediate reply, take your time and give the right answer on right time. 

Spiritual Myth 2- Remain Content
Spiritual Truth:-Many people believe that we should live the way we were born e.g. we should not change our country, religion, job, relationships, the house we were born in, and we should remain content with whatever boring things we have around us. This is one of the biggest traps. Never live the same boring life and call it living. If you feel that something needs to be changed then change it. Live a great life and get rid of that everything that stops you from being the best. Never cultivate a bad relationship just because society has planned that for you. Plan your own life. Get surrounded with happy and positive people. Dream Big. Make lofty goals. Learn. Fail. Try again. If you are not expanding then it means you are dying.

Spiritual Myth 3- Honesty and Hard-work gives success 
Spiritual Truth:-Honesty and Hard work can be called foundational principles of success, but they alone can never give anyone success. The first thing you require for success is talent. No matter how much honest or hard working you are if you don’t have the talent then you would never make it. Make yourself talented. Learn about your job, initiate, innovate, give results and together these things would make you successful.

Spiritual Myth 4- Devotion is the only form of worship 

Spiritual Truth:-Reading spiritual scriptures makes me realize that God has made us so that we can woship HIM and the one who would not worship him would get punished by HIM. There are many forms of worship like devotion, charity, love, meditation, chasing excellence, penance, etc. Making offerings to God and singing and dancing in his name are only a type of worship. Find your medium of worshipping God. Which method suits you the best? Find it. Follow it or create your own way of approaching God. Unless you would not experiment with different methods then who knows what would give you spiritual peace. God is infinite and HIS search is also infinite. If HE is formless then HE is also nameless.

Spiritual Myth 5- My religion is the best 
Spiritual Truth:-Religion is only a medium to understand spirituality. It is only a way and not goal. Your goal is to find your spiritual strength and any religion can offer you that. Every human being should have freedom to choose his or her religious faith. I would prefer to have multiple faiths. I would prefer to follow Buddhism and Shaivism under scientific temperament. Never think that your way is the only best way. Your faith may be the best, but only for you. You can discuss about it, but you have no right to compel anyone to follow you. Between life and death we have a journey and we all have to plan out our own journeys.

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