Friday, 23 December 2016

Positive traits of Indian Men

Photo Source: Unknown
It is my suggestion that position of women can’t be improved by bringing down the position of men. Lots of blogs are being written against men just to uplift the status of women and I am against this attitude. This blog is dedicated on the positive traits of Indian men. May be this is the only blog of 2016 which favors men :- 

1. Collectivism:- An ideal Indian man knows the importance of living in a group. That’s why he gives priority to his religion, caste, family, and peers because they are the different types of social groups. He believes in patience, humbleness, and tolerance because these traits are important in group functioning. He believes in collective growth and collective identity. He has tolerance for different religions because Indian man knows that no matter what path you take, it ends in God.

2. Respect for the Environment:- Capitalism played major role in damaging the environment. Global Warming is a result of the greed of Industrialization. India and China were the countries who controlled the 50% of world’s economy till 18th century without doing any huge damage to the planet Earth. Indian men respect their soil, trees, birds, animals, rivers, and mountains. They worship them and how can you hurt something that you worship. Chipko Movement in India was started to protect the trees from being cut by the government. People used to embrace trees in Chipko Movement to prevent them from being cut. World had not seen such bravery before to protect the trees. It is an another proof for their respect to the environment. 

3. Workmanship:- India is a leading producer in tea, coffee, fruits, vegetables, rice, wheat, mica, sugar, jute, rubber, etc. India is among the few countries who have Nuclear power. Only five countries in the world, including India, have capacity to create any missile. It has the second largest Army in the world. India is the favorite destination for Medical Tourism. India has done all this in just 69 years of Independence. Indian men have excelled in every field despite having many economic and social challenges within the country. Bhagavad Gita- an ancient text of Indians- talks about Karma yoga which states that showing excellence in work is a form of worship. Work is worship for Indian men and this makes them a competent workman. 

4. Mental and Physical Growth:- Colonial era tried to crush the core ideologies of Indians, but they could not crush the practice of Yoga and Meditation. It is because every Indian man already knows the importance of Mental and Physical growth. You don’t need to teach them about fitness because it comes naturally to them. Though food habits of Indian men are not healthy as per global standards, but they are not ignorant on the topic of health. Ayurveda is one of the oldest forms of medicinal practices of India and natural cures are preferred in the country more than the high-cost allopathic treatments. Fasting is still practiced by men for both mental and physical benefits.

5. Science and Spirituality are one for them:- Indian race is the only race in the world which has accepted every scientific discovery without making any chaos. Theory of Evolution, Gravitational Theory, Concept of Nine planets, etc. were accepted by Indian men more easily than the West. West is known for its machines and East is known for its thinkers. Spiritual as well as scientific thinking was prominent in the civilization from hundreds of years. Indian men keep a good balance between faith and fact. Their faith evolves with the scientific evolution.

Friday, 16 December 2016

Four Innovative Mobile Applications

Before, telling you about the apps which I believe world needs; let me tell you that I am neither an engineer nor scientist. Therefore, I am not sure whether these mobile apps could be made or not. These suggestions are moreover based on my imagination and personal thinking. 
Technology has made our life lot easier than before. It has played an important role in framing the millennial generation. Personal Computers had revolutionized the personal growth of the people and now smart phones are doing the same.
Different mobile features and applications are giving us new mediums to explore ourselves. There are many mobile apps in the market which are doing great job, but we require certain mobile applications to operate more efficiently.

Some Mobile Apps which the world requires are-
1. 3 White Poisons App: - People are becoming health conscious. There are more number of gyms and health product in the market than ever before. Though, cases of lifestyle diseases are increasing, but we can’t ignore that people have demand for a healthy body and mind. There are 3 white poisons i.e. Salt, Sugar, and Flour. For a good health, we need to take these white poisons in a balanced quantity. We need a Mobile App which can inform us that which product has how much amount of white poison and how much quantity of the product we should have e.g. I don’t know how much salt and sugar a simple ketchup has, but suppose I get this beneficial information then I can check myself beforehand.
2. Animal Detector App: - In many countries, agriculture is the major source of income for the general public. Farmers sleep, eat, and work in their fields. This exposes them to wild animals. Every year almost 100 people die in India due to Elephant attacks. A mobile app which could detect animals around the field through online maps would be a boon for the farmers. They would be able to protect their crops and themselves from the attacks of different animals. This would esp. help at night when visibility is low and risk is high.
3. Diagnostic App: - Every smart phone has a camera to click photos. Suppose, we get diagnostic report of our body parts just by clicking a photo and submitting it on the app. It would decrease the out-of-pocket expenditure of the people on small tests and it would also save their time and energy spent in the long queues of the diagnostic centers. It would play an important role in the rural areas where there are limited numbers of diagnostic centers and people don’t have much resources to go to big cities to get medical reports. People would be able to get primary report of eye and skin infections just from their mobile phones. They would also be able to send their reports to doctors for further assistance.
4. Genealogy App: - We all want to know that from where our ancestors had belong and do we have any distant relative in the different parts of the world. Suppose, we make an app which carries our DNA report and brings matches with the people who could be our distant relative who we don’t know. It would just create a different level of social platform where people with same genes are in contact with each other. The app would also make our family tree which we would be able to access anytime.
The World is waiting for these Apps. Let’s see when the dream of these apps would come true. 

Friday, 7 October 2016

17 Laws of Personal Success

I don't take credit of any of these Laws because I have read them in different books. I have only compiled them at one place. 
  1. Law of 3 settings: - It is a technique which is being used for staffing people at key positions. But, we can use it to understand anyone. There are people who are different in office, home, and social gatherings. These people don’t have consistency in their character. It is important to meet people in 3 different types of settings to draw an average about their character and understand them properly. Now, question is why to meet people in 3 settings and not 2 or 1? See, one is not an option, two creates dilemma; unless we don’t have three alternatives, we cannot make any decision.
  2. Law of Four: - Everything in this world can be divided into 4 parts, for instance, we have 4 seasons, 4 directions, 4 natural elements, 4 dimensions, etc. Whenever you get any problem, remember, there would be 4 alternative solutions of that problem and among them one would be the best solution. We can also use this principle in relationships e.g. no one has more than 4 friends in one time period. It is important to spend maximum time with those 4 friends because that would keep us energetic and motivated.
  3. Law of Co-extinction: - There was one woman who was fit and fine, but she died after one month of her husband’s death. I know many of us must have come across such incidences. Law of co-extinction can explain this phenomenon. It states that two people (or species) which are dependent on each other, if one of them dies then the other one also dies after some time.
  4. Law of Compensation: - Our level of income is directly proportional to the value we bring in our work. Increase your value and your income would increase. Suppose, you help your organization to earn or save 10, 00,000 bucks then it’s obvious that you have good chance of getting 50,000 bucks for helping them. Do this- Complete your work on time. Use your office resources efficiently. Help your colleagues and supervisor. Suggest new ideas for the development of the organization. Make yourself a valuable employee. Soon, your reputation and income would take a positive change.  
  5. Law of Reciprocation: - It’s an old give and take principle. First give something in order to get something. You can never get first and give later. If you would not help others then don’t expect people to help you at the time of crisis. Everyday do some good somewhere. Unknowingly, you would start a cycle of reciprocation and your influence would take a new height.
  6. Law of Subconscious Mind: - Our conscious mind carries only 1/10th part of our mind and subconscious mind carries 90% of our mind power. Our conscious mind forgets, but our subconscious mind never forgets anything. Every image you see, thought you read, people you meet, get stored in your subconscious mind. Our thoughts get stored in conscious mind and our thoughts mixed with feelings and faith get transferred to subconscious mind. For developing new habits and removing old habits subconscious mind plays the most vital role. Take a thought and repeat it repeat it with faith and emotions. After 66 days that thought would enter your subconscious mind and it would start reflecting in your actions naturally.  
  7. Law of Service (extra-mile):- Service has a human touch which cannot be replicated anywhere by anyone. There are employees who give less service as compare to their salaries, there are employees who give services equal to their salaries, and there are employees who give more services than their salaries. There is no competition for the later employees because there is no traffic jam in the extra-mile. These employees eliminate competition and make special place in their employer’s mind.
  8. Law of Specialization: - It is good to have knowledge of different subjects, but always have an area in which you can show competency. Your specialized knowledge can become your competitive advantage. Intelligent people are respected everywhere. I have seen that even one piece of specialized information can turn the whole scenario of planning and execution.
  9. Law of Causality: - This law was discovered by Aristotle. He found that there is a cause behind every effect. In simple words, if we would do what successful people do then we would also get success and if we would what unsuccessful people do then we would definitely get failures. Hydrogen and Oxygen would produce water and not wine.
  10. Law of Complementarity: - Everything in this world complements one another. Man complements women, sea complements land, sun complements life. It is important to understand that we are living in an interdependent world. There is an interconnected system. Whole world is like a body, defect in one area would automatically affect others. Wise people try to learn things as a whole and then in parts because they know they can’t get true knowledge by remaining in one side of the problem.
  11. Law of Forgiveness: - Forgive people not because they were right, but because you want to move forward. Hatred takes away lots of energy which can get utilized somewhere else. The first two people you can forgive are your parents because most of the personality drawbacks are related with parenting. If we would not forget people then throughout our life we would struggle with ourselves.
  12. Law of Formality: - People with whom we spend our maximum time, we start taking those people for granted. Our long term relationships require most constant deposit of love and respect.
  13. Law of Probability: - Every failure reduces the probability of success. Learn from your failures else you would fail once again.
  14. Law of Routine: - In order to control our mind and body, it is important to have a daily routine i.e. set of things which we can do daily.
  15. Law of Attraction/Law of Inner Effect: - Our most dominant thoughts attract circumstances and people in our life. Law of inner effect is slightly different, it states that our most dominant thought reflect circumstances and people in our life.
  16. Law of Substitution: - Every adversity has a seed of learning in it. Only those people are afraid of failures who fail to understand the importance of failures.
  17.  Law of Cooperative Effort: - Every success comes from a collaborative effort. No one can reach far in life by working alone. We all need help and guidance. We all need knowledge to create more knowledge. People who understand the importance of cooperation over competition get more success than those who have only competed and never cooperated. 

Sunday, 21 August 2016

How to force your employees to resign instead of terminating them?

Photo Source: Unknown
Organizations play an important role in the development of society, country, and individual. But, sometimes they can be your worst nightmare!!
Employees are hired and fired, but there are some employees which cannot be terminated easily because of their proven success record or process of terminating them is too complex to initiate e.g. In India, Judge of Supreme Court or High Court can be removed only by getting Special Majority in both the Houses. The process is too complex to remove them. The only way to remove them is to make them resign willingly. (I don’t want to offend Judges. I only used this example to make my point clear.)
In some cases, employees are needed to be ‘coerced’ or persuaded to give their resignation instead of terminating them.

Below are the 5 common tactics which are used to manage employees out of the organization: -

1.   Micromanaging: - Micromanaging means when your supervisor would try to control and manage each part of your job. He or She would send mails that employee didn’t do this or that work; he or she didn’t follow timeline, he or she is disorganized, he or she is not goal oriented, etc. They would start interfering in every aspect of their employee’s career. This can really piss-off employees. Good managers don’t do it, Bad managers always do it.
2.   Unrealistic Goals: - Supervisor would start giving unrealistic goals to his or her employee so that they could never be able to achieve them. When employees would fail, they would criticize them and embarrass them in-front of others. Humiliation has power to break people. Failures can demotivate anyone and constant failures would keep you demotivated forever. When goals are not S.M.A.R.T. i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time bound then no one in the world can achieve them (unless you are Rajnikant or GOD itself)
3.  Make Job Dull: - Challenges and responsibilities make our job exciting. Remove challenges and responsibilities and our job becomes boring and dull. When nothing lefts to do, we immediately feel like leaving the job and going away. People don’t work just to earn money and pay bills. People work because they want to be something and do something in life. A dull job is only done by the people who have no purpose in life. An intelligent person can never continue with a dull and boring job.
4.   Boycott: - Supervisor would stop calling employee in the important occasions like Annual Meeting, Conferences, and Special Marketing Events. Employee would felt being neglected, avoided, and unappreciated. These feelings demotivate people and affect their productivity. Supervisor would send you on an “Important Project.” The purpose of these important projects is to cut employee from the office crowd and make him or her feel lonely. No one would report to employee. He or she would have to work alone and when task would not get completed then due to poor-performance resignation of the employee would be taken.
5.  On-the Job Discrimination: - Supervisor would call employee, its colleagues, and juniors. In the meeting, friends of the targeted employee and its team members would be praised and appreciated. Supervisor would act friendly towards them and rudely towards the targeted employee.

Now, what being an employee one should do to reverse the situation? LEAVE your JOB immediately. No need to explain yourself to others. A good supervisor would always tell you the real reason and would help you to grow yourself. If people don’t want you, leave them and move forward in life. 

Friday, 6 May 2016

How to develop Intuition?

Intelligence and Intuition both are essential for any successAlexis Carrel
In this blog, I would discuss both scientific and philosophical approaches for developing Intuition. I would discuss both because philosophy carries the ‘time-tested’ wisdom whereas science carries intelligence gained through systematic observations and ‘experiments’. It is my advice that people should study both the aspects, but give priority to science because it is more reliable. 

Scientific Approach towards Intuition
Intuition is not a myth. It has been observed that there are people who have ability to analyze future and past events with high accuracy. Therefore, intuitive mind can not only predict future, but also past.
Many people don’t develop their Intuitive mind because either they don’t know how to develop this important mental skill or they don’t know how to distinguish between intuition and illusion.
Remember, intuition should have some logical backing else it becomes difficult to differentiate between intuition and illusion.
To develop intuitive mind, we need to develop Expert Power. It means that we would have to develop an expertise in a particular area. Becoming excellent in a particular field unlocks our intuitive mind. Ignorant man can never develop this power. Remember, your intuition would not work in every field. It only works in the area in which you have your core competency. If you are an expert in Biology then don’t expect your intuition would work in Accounts. If you are an expert in Military Strategies then don’t expect your intuition to work in Cooking. It has been seen that when we devote hours of study and years of work in a single field, our mind develops an ability to recognize ‘patterns’ of success and failures. This gives us a strange mental ability to see things which others completely ignore. This strange mental ability is called Intuition.
Every PhD holder needs to read approx 30 to 50 books for the research purpose. Therefore, reading around 30 to 50 books on a single subject would make you an expert in that field and if you would read 500 books on that subject then you would become the most educated person of that field. Read books written by the experts of your field. See videos, documentaries, listen to audio tapes. Keep feeding your mind with the new pieces of information. Soon your efficiency would reach up to a level which would break the dam of your mind and you would start feeling the strange mental power getting developed inside you.
Let me repeat- developing expert power is the key to open your intuitive mind.

Philosophical Approach towards intuition
In every country, we must have listened about the people who had ability to read mind.
We must have heard philosophers of different time-period saying- listen to your inner voice, gut-feeling, internal drives, etc. Nostradamus, an ancient astrologer, predicted certain things centuries ago and we see all that happening around us. People see something in their dream and it become reality. Crime investigators and Archaeologist predict things happened in the past just by seeing some small clue. These evidences prove that we have some power inside us which we completely ignore.
To develop Intuition, from the philosophical point of view, do the following things consistently- Everyday find some time (even 15 mins would work) when no one would disturb you. Close your eyes. Don’t see, don’t listen, don’t talk, and don’t move your body. Just enjoy the complete silence around you. In the beginning, you would get plenty of thoughts- let them come. Once you are completely relaxed start filling your mind with positive thoughts. Exchange all the negative thoughts with the positive thoughts. This would slowly develop Emotional Understanding of your brain. Philosophers like Mahavira, Buddha, Confucius, etc. have advocated on doing similar kind of exercise. Modern Spiritual Guru like Deepak Chopra has also advocated for this approach.
A relaxed and positive mind would give you energy to identify positivity and negativity around you. Just by seeing people, you would get a ‘spark’ that whether you want to be with them or not. You would get ability to find right and wrong in everyday work, and that would be the time when your intuitive mind would start getting evolved.

Note- I am not sure whether Philosophical Approach works or not, but I have mentioned this approach because many Great Thinkers have talked about it.

You can use whatever approach you feel like and realize your true potential.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

When to Quit your Job?

When to start something?  and When to stop something? are the two most difficult questions to answer in every aspect of life, for instance, When to start going to gym? When to stop eating unhealthy food? When to start studying? When to stop wasting time? etc. 
Similarly, when to quit your job and move on in your career is an important and difficult question to answer.
With the help of my Work Experience, I believe I can guide people in understanding- When is the time to quit your job?
We should leave our job when any of the following things happen in the organisation:-

1. When people from a particular group get promoted- Once, I got chance to visit the Headquarter of an International Development Agency. Practically, everybody above the sweeper was either Ph.D. or M.S.  In some manufacturing organisations, people from engineering background are only promoted. In some chemical organisations, people with chemistry background are only promoted. You’ll have to see that whether you are in that group or not. If you belong to that group then it’s good else sooner you leave, better for your career.

2. When suddenly Top Executives start leaving the organisation- Remember, before downsizing, bright-sizing takes place i.e. it is the top influential people who first start leaving the organisation before anybody else. It is the most important indicator for leaving the organisation. Top people know very well that where the organisation would be in coming 5 years. If you find that lots of policies are being changed, top executives are leaving then you also leave before your career gets any major set-back.

3. When maximum people at your position are young – I had observed this when I was working as a Summer Intern in Punjab Health Systems Corporation. Most of the Interns were of my age-group. Therefore, everyone more or less had the same competency level. It becomes difficult to make your separate position in an organisation when you find that everyone is as competent as you. It becomes difficult for HR manager to plan for fair promotions. Therefore, one day you would see that company starts hiring externals rather giving chance to insiders.

4. When you see that most of the people at your position are senior from you- In every organisation, most experienced and matured people get promoted first than the less experienced people. No matter, how good you are at your work you would never be considered for the next level when more experienced people are in-the-queue. If this is in your case, learn from your job and leave as soon as you get an opportunity. Waiting for that one day when people would recognize your efforts only kills time. Get up, dress up, and make your career move. 

Your first job is the best time to experiment whether you are at the right place or not. You can know a lot about your working style in your first job.
There is a Universal Problem among the first-timers and it is that they stuck in their first job for longer period of time without realizing that what their ‘actual’ career aspirations are?
       I hope the tips shared in the blog would help you in deciding your next step.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Management Challenges in 2030

Source: Unknown
Some unnoticed Demographic Changes are taking place in the world, which would bring New Challenges for the society, organisations, and educational institutions. In this blog, I have tried to explain the coming Managerial Challenges which I believe would come by 2030. 

Challenge 1:- Managing People Older than your age

Most of the employment policies got amended in 1990s, when average life expectancy in India was only 58 years. Hence, retirement age was 60 years, but, by 2017, average life expectancy of an average Indian has rise up to 68 years. Therefore, we would find more people of above 60 working in the organisations and earning their livelihood. We would see older people reporting to younger supervisors. Supervisors would have to learn how to lead people who have more experience than them.

Challenge 2:- Managing Homosexuals and Single Parents in Working Areas

As compare to Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, and Generation Z, Millennial are more open to Same-Sex-Marriage and being a Single parent. Millennial have started ‘accepting’ them than ‘criticizing’ them. New strategies would be required to make working environment comfortable and productive for Homosexuals and Single Parents.

Challenge 3:- Digital Educational System

Schools, Libraries, and Universities are no more ‘only’ sources of Education. YouTube, Wikipedia, Online e-courses, etc. have become important sources of education. In one click, we can get any education anywhere at any time. This change is so vivid and yet we don’t have any plan to systematize our Digital Educational System.

Challenge 4:- Over-Communication

50 years ago lack of communication was a problem. Today, over-communication is a problem. People cannot focus on one thing for long because they have ‘messages’ to check in their e-mail or social account. Any distraction disturbs our mind for about 45 minutes. One stupid message on your phone, at the time of work, can bring down your productivity. Too many distractions can create Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), which is a psychological disorder.

Challenge 5:- How to explore Rural Markets?

We have explored the Urban Markets exhaustively, but what about rural areas and their development? Nothing much to do is left in Urban Areas and hence development of Rural Areas has become even more essential. Innovation is required to crack the Rural Markets. To make goods and services available in those areas would be the next big challenge.

Challenge 6:- New Religious Philosophy

All the four major religions of the world- Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism are more than 1000 years old. New World requires New Philosophies. Industrialization, Nationalization, Liberalization, Globalization, Information Revolution, etc. have changed the human beings. A person born in 900 B.C. and a person born in 2005 has a difference in health, educational level, longevity, etc. People are becoming more scientific (which is good) and less religious. The World demands some new type of Spiritual Feeding. We would need to see God under a new perspective. 
 I hope some new strategies would be developed to manage these coming problems.