have met three IAS officers till date for different purposes. I observed their work style closely and figured out few
things which make them different.
1. Important come, Important in- Being a management graduate I was taught that first come, first in practice is good,
which means that the person who has come first should meet you first. But, IAS
officers don’t follow this method. They follow important come, important in. This
means that the person who has more important work will come first and rest
people can follow.
2. Data-Driven Decisions- IAS officers are more interested in written
evidences than anything else. Oral oaths have no place in their work system.
They understand the complexity of law and they know that they are accountable
for every decision. Hence, written communication is best for their work. They
believe less on experts’ advices and more on scientific research papers.
3.Work in
a cool environment- Once I read in a magazine that working in a cool
environment makes you more productive than the hot environment but I never took
that thing seriously. After, working with 3 IAS officers I realized that
findings in that magazine article were right because all IAS officers prefer to
work in A.C. rooms. Their rooms are chilled and will give you a pleasant
4. Sharp Memory- An IAS officer will either remember you by your name
or face but they will remember you. They have their own styles of remembering
5. Delegation- IAS officers are very busy. Every day they get at least
500 letters each carrying some complain. It is impossible for one man to know
and do everything. Therefore, they allocate the work to the expert of that
field and after that they differentiate the outcomes with the desired
expectations. Their work is to make others work.
6. Sense of Urgency- IAS officers work fast. If someone comes with a
problem they act quickly, they make him or her comfortable and give attention
to them. They don’t procrastinate and delay in taking action. Sometimes they
will surprise you with their speed. They teach you that a person should not
only work hard but also fast.
7. Direct Conversation- In a management college, lots of focus is being made on indirect conversation but when you will meet an IAS he will talk directly. He will ask what's the issue? He will act upon it and game over. He has no place for small talks. He will not even waste time on Hi and Hello!. He talks about work and that's it. He will not twist his words. He's very direct in his approach.