Friday, 27 December 2013

5 common mistakes which New Managers make

There are 5 mistakes which generally New Managers make-
1st Mistake:-
They want to be a Hero
Remember, company pays you money to think and work. They don’t pay you to become a Hero and increase your fan following. The problem with the new managers is that they want to show themselves as a heroic person, rebellious and revolutionary in nature whether people around them require that kind of behaviour or not. Before, giving proof of your ‘Great Heroism’ it is important that you prove your honesty towards your employees and commitment for work.

2nd Mistake:- They criticize, criticize and criticize
It is easy to criticize someone and new managers do it very well. They act like a fault-finder who only makes people realize how inferior they are and they need to improve their standards. Remember, if you don’t praise people then you don’t have any right to criticize them. Your job is to find strengths of your employees and make him or her work for the organisational success. You can make your employee overcome its weaknesses only when it has mastered its strengths and not before that. Even when you need to criticize someone do it in a very casual way. Never do criticism fiercely as it will make your employee defensive and he or she can attack you back.

3rd Mistake:- They use Nice and Tough approach
Some new managers behave nicely in the beginning and then after sometime they try to be tough with their employees. They believe that this Nice and then Tough approach will help in gaining employee loyalty. No!! Never do this mistake. This is the poorest of all mistakes.
 On other hand, use Tough and Nice approach- This approach means that share your values and make your rules clear in the beginning. Live your values from the first day of your job. Encourage your employees to follow the standards you have made. All the fun can be done later when your employees start understanding you.

4th Mistake:- They want to change everything
This mistake politicians of India make again and again. They destroy the old system completely and then try to do build a new one. I am not against any change but my point is that every old system carries some good points and we should not overlook them. If you want to bring a new system then at least some part of your road should go through the old system. This will help in preparing people for the ‘Big Change’. Never try to bring change directly in people. The golden rule of changing people is- To change the people, change the Environment e.g. a person will do hand-washing only when you will make water and soap available to him. You cannot directly push him to do something without taking any action from your side.

5th Mistake:- They do Lots of Talking
New Managers waste lots of time in talking this puts their employees in doubt that whether they have capacity to do something or not. Once an employee of government hospital told me, “Every new hospital administrator talks more than he does. Before talking about honesty they should prove they are honest, before talking about hard work they should do hard work.”
I believe his point was- Do some action and then talk. Action speaks louder than words.

Monday, 23 December 2013

Four rare qualities of Human Beings

In school I had a separate subject of Moral Science where my class teacher and sometimes 
Principal used to give a short lecture on Good Habits, Ideal Living etc.
I think from school I got habit of observing people and finding the Moral Principles they follow. As per my observation there are four qualities which are rare in human beings.
Only exceptional men and women carry them-

1. Humble Confidence- I am purposely using two words here- “humble” and “confidence” because many times people think that confident person is always extrovert, bold or 
first-in-the-row and humble person is always shy and introvert. Humble Confidence simply means being a mix of professional expertise and personal sobriety. These people take their work seriously but not themselves. At the time of crisis they will appear like a great warrior else they will remain in their shell and enjoy their own small tasks.

2. Personal Discipline- Discipline itself is a rare trait but one thing which I never liked about disciplined people is that they unnecessarily want to make everyone disciplined. They always enforce their rules on others by presenting themselves as a great example. But, people with personal discipline are different. They themselves lead a disciplined life but never interfere in others life. They add discipline in their lives because they want to and not to show others that how great they are.

3. Respond Boldly- Every action has a reaction but if we carefully think, plan and analyze our reaction then it becomes respond. Reaction is spontaneous and immediate but respond is not immediate we take a pause, quietly examine the situation and then give it. Once respond is decided successful people convey it boldly, without any fear or hesitation in their tone. Many people react but only few respond with boldness.

4. Limited Networking- In 21st century people determine your net-worth by the network you have. Interestingly, in school we are taught that we should be friend with everyone but I never met any successful man having a large burden of network. Never network with people with whom you cannot connect. Nothing in your life will damage you more than your useless connections. These people connect with few and continue their friendship with them diligently. 

In school no one teaches us about these four rare qualities. I found these qualities in all exceptional men and women. I hope people follow them sincerely.