Monday, 31 July 2017

On Indian Style of Dancing

Photo- Mythical Hindu God Nataraja
In Sanskrit Civilization, Dance was divided into two forms-
1. Lasya- Lasya represents feminine qualities. It means that dancer should have ability to show female expressions, body language, and appearance in its dance.
2. Tandava- Tandava represents masculine qualities. It means that dancer should have ability to show its male expressions, body language, and appearance in its dance.

Dance is not just about the physical movement, it also means that how a dancer looks like during the performance. Therefore, dancer should take care of its appearance and clothes which it wears during the dance performance. Dancer cannot effectively portray the feelings of a man in the dress of a woman.This is an important piece of information. 

Many times new dancers think that if they are male then they should only learn male dancing style and female dancers think that they need to learn only female dancing style. It is an incomplete approach towards dance. Learn to dance in both male and female styles. It would increase your empathy towards the other gender. It would also increase your thinking ability which we limit with our gender-specific-roles.

Dancing is an interesting type of training for young boys and girls, it helps in developing interpersonal skills between boys and girls.

Learning positive things from both the genders would develop you as a complete human being.

In Sanskrit, Dance is called “Nritya.” If we divide the word Nritya, we would get two words- Nritta and Natya.
Nritta means expressing emotions and Natya means acting. Every effective dancer has ability to express its emotions through its face and body. Good acting skills help in developing the correct body-language.Dancers can easily portray the feelings of the lyrics and music through their face & body.

Dancing requires knowledge of acting and psychology e.g. dancers should know how a person reacts in love, fear, anger, etc. (this is psychology) and they should have ability to express these feeling meticulously through their body (this is acting). 

Dance is an art form which combines our mind and body. Dance dissolves our mind and body, and we become one. That is why, it gives us a special kind of pleasure.

Dance entertains and educates. Dance is used in many religions to remember God, may be because our ancestors had understanding of its soft-power.

There are nine types of emotions which are conveyed while dancing. These emotions depend upon the lyrics and music on which the person is dancing. These emotions are-
1. Shringara- It means ‘romance’. The most important thing to take care of while dancing on romantic tunes is that the dancer should lose its grace. Romance should not look like a frivolous act. Romance should have a grace in it; a melody which can tune anyone’s heart.
2. Rudra- It means ‘anger’. There are dances which requires dancer to show anger. It requires masculine movements; and excellent work of eyebrows and breathing. When we get angry, we shout. But, suppose you need to show your anger without shouting or even talking then how would you do that? Make note of those expressions and show them in your dance.
3. Bibhasta- It means ‘disgust’. Sometimes we need to project our feelings of disgust in our dance. Disgust is a mixed feeling in which we are sad and angry both. Feeling of disgust pushes us for the change. Disgust creates a hidden rebel inside us.
4. Veer- It means ‘heroism’. Hero carries positive anger in him or her. Heroic dancer projects assertiveness in its action i.e. getting into action for the justice. It is an inspirational and courageous form of dancing.
5. Shaanta- It means ‘peace’. Dancer should have ability to project peace in its actions. It helps in harmonizing the audience and creating a collective rhythm in the environment.
6. Haasya- It means ‘humor’. Dancer should have ability to make its audience laugh with its actions. It is easy to make people laugh on a verbal joke, but dance is more about non-verbal humor. Dancer should have ability to create madness around him or her.
7. Karuna- It means ‘sympathy’. Dancer should have ability to develop sympathy in the audience on the topic on which he or she is dancing.
8. Bhayanak- It means ‘dangerous’. Dancer should look dangerous in this style of dancing. People should find him or her merciless and villainous. 
9. Adbhuta- The literal English translation of this word is ‘wonderful’, but adbhuta means something more than that. It means carrying a mystic and surprise element in the dance form. Dance should have a mystic grace in it which can amaze the whole audience. It should leave with an astonished feeling. 

Anyone who could show both lasya and tandav was considered to be the complete dancer. Every dancer was required to master these nine emotions and they were displayed as per the occasion and requirement. 
The purpose of the blog was to share the lost ancient wisdom on dancing. I hope it served its purpose.