Intelligence and Intuition both are essential
for any success – Alexis Carrel
In this blog, I would discuss both scientific
and philosophical approaches for developing Intuition. I would discuss both
because philosophy carries the ‘time-tested’ wisdom whereas science carries
intelligence gained through systematic observations and ‘experiments’. It is my
advice that people should study both the aspects, but give priority to science
because it is more reliable.
Scientific Approach towards Intuition

Many people don’t develop their Intuitive mind
because either they don’t know how to develop this important mental skill or
they don’t know how to distinguish between intuition and illusion.
Remember, intuition should have some logical
backing else it becomes difficult to differentiate between intuition and
To develop intuitive mind, we need to develop
Expert Power. It means that we would have to develop an expertise in a
particular area. Becoming excellent in a particular field unlocks our intuitive
mind. Ignorant man can never develop this power. Remember, your intuition would
not work in every field. It only works in the area in which you have your core
competency. If you are an expert in Biology then don’t expect your intuition
would work in Accounts. If you are an expert in Military Strategies then don’t
expect your intuition to work in Cooking. It has been seen that when we devote
hours of study and years of work in a single field, our mind develops an
ability to recognize ‘patterns’ of success and failures. This gives us a
strange mental ability to see things which others completely ignore. This
strange mental ability is called Intuition.
Every PhD holder needs to read approx 30 to 50
books for the research purpose. Therefore, reading around 30 to 50 books on a
single subject would make you an expert in that field and if you would read 500
books on that subject then you would become the most educated person of that
field. Read books written by the experts of your field. See videos,
documentaries, listen to audio tapes. Keep feeding your mind with the new
pieces of information. Soon your efficiency would reach up to a level which
would break the dam of your mind and you would start feeling the strange mental
power getting developed inside you.
Let me repeat- developing expert power is the
key to open your intuitive mind.
Philosophical Approach towards intuition
In every country, we must have listened about
the people who had ability to read mind.
We must have heard philosophers of different time-period saying- listen to your inner voice, gut-feeling, internal drives, etc. Nostradamus, an ancient astrologer, predicted certain things centuries ago and we see all that happening around us. People see something in their dream and it become reality. Crime investigators and Archaeologist predict things happened in the past just by seeing some small clue. These evidences prove that we have some power inside us which we completely ignore.
We must have heard philosophers of different time-period saying- listen to your inner voice, gut-feeling, internal drives, etc. Nostradamus, an ancient astrologer, predicted certain things centuries ago and we see all that happening around us. People see something in their dream and it become reality. Crime investigators and Archaeologist predict things happened in the past just by seeing some small clue. These evidences prove that we have some power inside us which we completely ignore.
To develop Intuition, from the philosophical
point of view, do the following things consistently- Everyday find some time
(even 15 mins would work) when no one would disturb you. Close your eyes. Don’t
see, don’t listen, don’t talk, and don’t move your body. Just enjoy the
complete silence around you. In the beginning, you would get plenty of thoughts-
let them come. Once you are completely relaxed start filling your mind with
positive thoughts. Exchange all the negative thoughts with the positive thoughts.
This would slowly develop Emotional Understanding of your brain. Philosophers
like Mahavira, Buddha, Confucius, etc. have advocated on doing similar kind of
exercise. Modern Spiritual Guru like Deepak Chopra has also advocated for this
A relaxed and positive mind would give you
energy to identify positivity and negativity around you. Just by seeing people,
you would get a ‘spark’ that whether you want to be with them or not. You would
get ability to find right and wrong in everyday work, and that would be the
time when your intuitive mind would start getting evolved.
Note- I am not sure whether Philosophical
Approach works or not, but I have mentioned this approach because many Great
Thinkers have talked about it.
You can use whatever approach you feel like and
realize your true potential.