Friday, 1 January 2016

Management Challenges in 2030

Source: Unknown
Some unnoticed Demographic Changes are taking place in the world, which would bring New Challenges for the society, organisations, and educational institutions. In this blog, I have tried to explain the coming Managerial Challenges which I believe would come by 2030. 

Challenge 1:- Managing People Older than your age

Most of the employment policies got amended in 1990s, when average life expectancy in India was only 58 years. Hence, retirement age was 60 years, but, by 2017, average life expectancy of an average Indian has rise up to 68 years. Therefore, we would find more people of above 60 working in the organisations and earning their livelihood. We would see older people reporting to younger supervisors. Supervisors would have to learn how to lead people who have more experience than them.

Challenge 2:- Managing Homosexuals and Single Parents in Working Areas

As compare to Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, and Generation Z, Millennial are more open to Same-Sex-Marriage and being a Single parent. Millennial have started ‘accepting’ them than ‘criticizing’ them. New strategies would be required to make working environment comfortable and productive for Homosexuals and Single Parents.

Challenge 3:- Digital Educational System

Schools, Libraries, and Universities are no more ‘only’ sources of Education. YouTube, Wikipedia, Online e-courses, etc. have become important sources of education. In one click, we can get any education anywhere at any time. This change is so vivid and yet we don’t have any plan to systematize our Digital Educational System.

Challenge 4:- Over-Communication

50 years ago lack of communication was a problem. Today, over-communication is a problem. People cannot focus on one thing for long because they have ‘messages’ to check in their e-mail or social account. Any distraction disturbs our mind for about 45 minutes. One stupid message on your phone, at the time of work, can bring down your productivity. Too many distractions can create Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), which is a psychological disorder.

Challenge 5:- How to explore Rural Markets?

We have explored the Urban Markets exhaustively, but what about rural areas and their development? Nothing much to do is left in Urban Areas and hence development of Rural Areas has become even more essential. Innovation is required to crack the Rural Markets. To make goods and services available in those areas would be the next big challenge.

Challenge 6:- New Religious Philosophy

All the four major religions of the world- Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism are more than 1000 years old. New World requires New Philosophies. Industrialization, Nationalization, Liberalization, Globalization, Information Revolution, etc. have changed the human beings. A person born in 900 B.C. and a person born in 2005 has a difference in health, educational level, longevity, etc. People are becoming more scientific (which is good) and less religious. The World demands some new type of Spiritual Feeding. We would need to see God under a new perspective. 
 I hope some new strategies would be developed to manage these coming problems.